Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Generation U


Gen U

Turning street age in numbers in 2015 what Gen U will be facing.

Record numbers raised in poverty with mostly poor parents and not wealthy boomers today's youth have. Government debt. Crumbling infrastructure, climate change and closing in on peak oil. Continuing unemployment along with coat of education while value of employment down.

Last jobs report showed 11 thousand full time jobs replaced with 5 thousand part time compounded with 81% of boomers planning on working or only semi-retire sucking up even more youth opportunity. Crime will continue to increase surpassing 2009 record property crime and most gangs per capita than anywhere in 2010.

Outnumbered by seniors for the first time health care costs will be more than the last straw.

Why,,, a decade ago the child poverty rate was 1 in 10, child poverty is the primary reason for youth involved with law resulting in the records being dramatically broke.

The last record shattering rate in 2010 was 1 in 7. Just a couple of years later its now 1 in 5.

Single mother families are leading the charge into poverty even though 85% of child support is paid in BC. The number of children on welfare is close to the poverty numbers, no surprise. Taking sole custody to historic highs a decade ago has now resulted in record child poverty and I repeat 85% of child support is paid in BC. The poverty is caused because the child support paid is clawed back by government as some sort of fee for being on welfare. Its not going to our most vulnerable children leaving them no better off than the children in the 15% that isn't paid child support.

The 2000 1 in 10 making up our current batch of troubled youth are the parents or older sibling of Gen U, the 1 in 7 batch turning street age in numbers in 2015.

I have no idea what to call the 1 in 5 batch other than scary.

While we don't need the explanation, gender bias, tax bias, Madonna complex or judges using an abundance of caution, the fact is the system created Generation Upurs and we should want to know how the government plans to deal with it. Over ten years ago using current information and data I predicted we will be raising a generation of homicidal youths. Now we have a gang capital title, close enough Ive been told. Gen U is very real, very big and its going to be very bad.

Its really that simple, what is the plan for the victims, Gen U?

Bigger prisons or ???

While its nice to see the interest in my blog by the authorities I have to chuckle at the obvious response. "no one did anything wrong", yes we know that's how the system works, that's what this blog is about, how the system works.

This is not doing anything wrong.
The sum total of the economic action plan is a pipeline.

The Northern Gateway Pipeline is intended to fuel Asia with raw bitumen and is touted as the economic driver for decades by government, and business and bankers. RBC retiring CEO Gordon Nixon, in support of the NGP, stated the record wage and wealth gap over the last decade is a myth.

Here's what's in it for BC.

A 1000 kms of pipeline through the landslide capital of Canada while increasing tankers traffic several times along difficult coastal waters overdue for a major earthquake and the inevitable tsunami. In return the 'estimated' tax revenue is $40 million/year against the provinces current debt of $64 billion. The province retains several times that much in child support.

For future reference weigh the certain major ecological disaster for $40M/year against the results of record child poverty for several times that much, and even knowing that like the inevitable ecological disaster, the millions in child support pocketed now will cost billions,,, and the bill is in the mail. Have fun with that fact and finding comfort in government stating no one did anything wrong.