Sunday, March 11, 2012



EX 1

Parent denied children are

72% of all teenage murderers.
60% of rapists.
70% of kids incarcerated.
twice as likely to quit school.
11 times more likely to be violent.
3 of 4 teen suicides.
80% of the adolescents in psychiatric hospitals.
90% of runaways

Sources: National Fatherhood Initiative, US Bureau of Census, FBI

EX 2

April 10, 2009

Why the US is losing the war on drugs but winning the war against the poor.

Enforcement reports $110 billion of child support arrearages nationwide, 70 percent of the people who owe it, earn poverty level wages.

Nationally, child support enforcement agencies employ more than 55,000 people in their war on
"deadbeats." Compare that with the Drug Enforcement Agency which employs a mere 1,900 agents in America's war on drugs.

EX 3>4a76-be56-2e7068ac901e

Vancouver Police Department

"violent crime is up six per cent and drug-related crime is up by
almost eight per cent"



B.C. police losing battle against crime

Crime rising faster than number of officers, study shows

Chad Skelton

Vancouver Sun

Friday, November 18, 2005

Since 1962, the "clearance rate" -- the percentage of cases solved by police -- has dropped from 90 per cent to 70 per cent for homicides and from 25 per cent to eight per cent for break-and-enters, according to the study.

According to the study, which was paid for by the RCMP, the number of police officers in B.C. has kept pace with population growth over the past 40 years.

But during that same period, the number of reported crimes has increased seven-fold -- due in large part to a dramatic increase in property crime.

Asked whether the increase in crime is due to people reporting offences more often than they did in the past, Plecas disagreed -- saying survey data suggest people are less likely to report crime today than they did previously.

We have a situation where Canada is worse than other countries . . . and B.C. is worse than the rest of Canada

The study did not specifically address whether B.C.'s shortage of police may be partly responsible for its high crime rate.

But Plecas said it makes sense.

"Everything we know about criminality is if it goes unattended, people will continue the behaviour," he said.

EX 4

àà No data on who is committing what kinds of crimes;

àà A model that inappropriately minimizes the volume (and thus the rate) of crime;

àà Data on and explanations of unreported and unsolved crimes are receiving

less attention;

àà Historical data that would allow effective comparisons of crime rates over

time have been eliminated;

àà Data on the volume of crime have repeatedly and inexplicably been altered


àà Most serious incident reporting and other defects in the Juristat report deny

us vital information about how much crime is committed by those who have

already had contact with the system including those on probation, bail or

conditional release, information vital to assessing existing rehabilitation and

deterrence measures.


EX 5


Incidence Study

of Reported Child

Abuse and Neglect

page 20

40% of investigated families were

female-parent families (discussed in

chapter 7 of the CIS Final Report).

page 51

30% of physical abuse victims

were living in lone female-parent

families (see Table 7-1).

page 52

42% of cases of substantiated

neglect involved lone female-parent


EX 6

Date: Tue Feb 27, 2001 4:12am
Subject: Sen. Cools Electrifies Howard University

Canadian Senator Anne C. Cools Speaks at Howard University

on "Domestic Violence, Fatherhood, Families, and Politics"

Senator Cools. "I receive thousands of letters as burdened and anguished Canadian families appeal for help, all questioning how the governments of their beloved country could allow such injustice," she reported.



EX 7

You've heard daycare is the solution for single parent families


December 25, 2008


Canada's dismal child care KAREN FAITH

December 13, 2008

The evidence of the economic and social benefits of providing regulated early-childhood care has been available to us for some time.

Why is it that a country like ours that leads by example in terms of universal health care lags so egregiously behind in the area of a national daycare strategy?





Study Links Child Aggression to Time in Day Care

SALT LAKE CITY, August 21, 2003

The aggression study is by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and found 17% of daycare children more aggressive, disobedient and more engaged in conflict, regardless of family background, quality or type of care and temperament.



Preschool Damages Children’s Social Skills and Emotional Development

By Terry Vanderheyden

November 10, 2005

BERKELEY, California, November 10, 2005 ( - Preschool has a negative effect on a child’s social and emotional development, according to a study of 14,000 US preschool children.



What Can We Learn from Quebec’s Universal

Childcare Program?

By Michael Baker, Jonathan Gruber and Kevin Milligan

February 1, 2006


Several measures we looked at suggest that children were worse off in the

years following the introduction of the universal childcare program. We studied a

wide range of measures of child well-being, from anxiety and hyperactivity to

social and motor skills. For almost every measure, we find that the increased use

of childcare was associated with a decrease in their well-being relative to other


Furthermore, we find that several important measures of well-being show

parents to be worse off. The survey data showed that mothers of the children in

daycare were more depressed, as indicated by the significant rise in their

depression scores relative to the average.


Study Shows Canada’s Universal Daycare Plan Has "Strikingly Negative" Consequences

TORONTO, February 2, 2006


In summary, the findings revealed that children in daycare were 17 times more hostile than children raised at home, and almost three times more anxious.



Largest US Child Study Finds Early Child Care Linked to Aggression and Disobedience

Results proved true regardless of quality of center-based care they received

WASHINGTON, March 26, 2007


Teachers reported more frequent problem behaviours such as: child demands a lot of attention; argues a lot; bragging and boasting; cruelty, bullying or meanness to others; destroys things belonging to others; disobedient at school; gets into many fights; lying or cheating; screams a lot.




UNICEF: Daycare is "A high-stakes gamble with today's children and tomorrow's world"

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski

December 16, 2008

A study released in 2006 of universal daycare as currently offered in Quebec revealed that children in daycare were 17 times more hostile than children raised at home, and almost three times more anxious.

Preschool Damages Children’s Social Skills and Emotional Development



EXhibits of note

There are volumes of studies and report of the same vein, all public access.


The Province

Published: Sunday, December 16, 2007

According to the latest B.C. Progress Board report, British Columbia has the worst combined personal and property crime rate of all provinces.

BC rate

Incidents of mischief went up 39 per cent from 2007 to 2008.


The U.S. rate of 324 aggravated assaults for every 100,000 population was more than double the Canadian rate of 143. However, the U.S. rate has been falling since 1994, culminating with a 3% decline in 2000. In contrast, the Canadian rate has remained relatively stable since 1994, but was up 7% in 2000




Magazine compares Vancouver’s drug violence to Colombia

Canwest News Service

May 30, 2009 4:01 PM


It’s not the first recent example of bad European press for Vancouver. Last month, The Independent, a British newspaper, described Vancouver as a "blood-splattered" city.


Type of attack

On average between 1993 and 2004, for nonfatal intimate partner violence --
about two-thirds of female and male victims reported they were hit, slapped, or knocked down.

female victims were more likely than were their male counterparts to be grabbed, held, or tripped.
Average annual percent of attacks, by type, in nonfatal intimate partner violent crime, 1993-2004

    Percent of victims of nonfatal intimate partner violence who were attacked      
Type of attack   Female   Male  
Raped   7.4 % 0.9 %
Sexual assault   1.6   0.3  
Attacked with firearm   0.7   0.3  
Attacked with knife   2.0   7.0  
Hit by thrown object   3.0   8.2  
Attacked with other weapon   0.7   1.4  
Hit, slapped, knocked down   63.8   67.0  
Grabbed, held, tripped   52.8   27.3  




Study, F Violence

According to local researchers Headey, Scott & de Vaus

(1999) one important

limitation of sample surveys is that they "suffer from

having just sampled

women (see e.g. Australiab Bureau of Statistics 1996),

even though two

national studies in the United states a decade ago

showed no significant

difference between physical assault rates experienced

by male and female

partners" (citing Gelles & Straus 1988, Straus &

Gelles 1990)

University of New Hampshire researcher Straus (1993)

reflecting on U.S.

studies concludes that "research on who hit first does

not support that

assaults by wives are primarily acts of self defence

or retaliation."

Some Local Research Results

(Heady et al (1999)

(1) "Men were just as likely to report being

physically assaulted by their

partners as women. Further, men and women were equally

about likely to

admit being violent themselves."

(2) "Men and women report experiencing the same level

of pain and need for

medical attention resulting from domestic violence."

(3) "Violence runs in couples. In over 50% of

partnerships in which

violence occurred both partners struck each other."

(4) "Moreover, the vast majority of those who are

violent did not have

violent parents."

Headey & colleagues (1999) say, "The first two results

ran counter to

conventional wisdom...Some degree of

confirmation...derives from the fact

that men's and women's reports on rates of domestic

violence more or less

agree. If women are to be believed (as they have been

by previous

investigators) then so are the men. Further the

results relating to women

being as violent as men are in line with some recent

American research"

Murder Suicides Are Biological Fathers More Deadly?

The article "When Dads Get Deadly" (Australian, 17

September 2003) provides

chilling statistics on filicide that challenge

conventual wisdom.

Referring to the recent Sydney murder/suicide tragedy

Christine Jackman


"despite the disproportionate amount of publicity

these crimes attract when

they occur, murder-suicides committed by a father are

among the rarest forms

of child homicide. Australian Institute of Criminology

statistics show there

were 270 child homicide incidents in Australia from

July 1989 to June 1999,

involving 287 identified offenders and resulting in

the deaths of 316

children under 15….

When children [younger than 15] are killed in

Australia, they are most

likely to be killed by a family member (66.9 per

cent), primarily a parent

(94.2 per cent)," Australian Institute Of Criminology

(AIC) research analyst

Jenny Mouzos says in her report 'Homicidal


Although fathers are responsible for most cases of

filicide (the murder of

children by their parents) in Australia, these numbers

are inflated by the

number of non-biological fathers who kill children.

When Mouzos crunched figures on the distribution of

parents who killed

children by gender and biological ties, she found

biological mothers posed a

more lethal risk to their own.

Biological mothers account for about 35 per cent of

all filicides (about the

same proportion as stepfathers and de factos), while

biological fathers

account for 29 per cent."

International Research Summary

A recent book by N Z academic Fletcher (2002) sums up

the evidence from more

than 70 studies involving 60,000 people in the U S,

Canada, New Zealand,

Britain, Korea and Israel:

"The rate of violent acts (both minor and major)

reported by men and women

in intimate relationships, are roughly equivalent,

however there is a slight

tendency for both men and women to report that women

are more likely to be

the initiators of violence."


Family violence by wives has not been an object of

public concern. There

has been no publicity, and no funds have been invested

in ameliorating this

problem because it has not been defined as a genuine


Yuri Joakimidis

Joint Parenting Association


Heady B, Scott D & de Vaus D. Domestic Violence In

Australia: Are Women And

Men Equally Violent? Australian Social Monitor Vol 2

No 3, July 1999. pp

57-61 at 58

Australian Bureau Of Statistics. 1996. Women’s Safety

Australia. Canberra:

Australian Bureau Of Statistics (This study

commissioned by the Office Of

The Status Of Women and conducted by the ABS that

found 2.2% of women

reported being assaulted by their male partner in the

previous year)

Gelles R & Straus M 1988. Intimate Violence: The

Causes And Consequences Of

Abuse In The American Family. New York: Simon &


Strau M & Gelles R (eds) 1990. Physical Violence In

American Families: Risk

Factors And Adaptations To Violence in 8145 Families,

New Brunswick, NJ:


Straus M (1993) Physical Assaults By Wives, A Major

Social Problem. In R

Gelles & D Loscke (eds), Current Controversies In

Family Violence. Newbury

Park: Sage Publications.

Christine Jackman. "When Dads Get Deadly" Australian,

17 September 2003

Fletcher G. Intimate Relationships. Blackwell (2002)

Sexual abuse by women of children and teens is a subject most parents and caregivers are not familiar with. Female sexual predators go unreported because of a lack of awareness by the public.

The best research available to us states that about 75% of sexual predators are male and 25% are female.

86% of the victims of female sexual predators aren't believed so the crimes go unreported and don't get prosecuted.


Media makes light of sexual assault on 8-year-old boy

Some in the mainline media saw no need to report the story of the sexual abuse of such a young boy in the same way that they would have reported alleged sexual assaults by a 29-year-old man on an 8-year-old girl. The most egregious was the New York Post. The Post’s headline read, "CRADLE ROBBER - GAL WHO SEDUCED BOY, 8". There is no doubt that the newspaper would not have described an alleged male who assaulted a young girl as a "cradle robber"; nor would they have used an equivalent of the word "gal" to describe him. And there is an equally unlikely chance that the act of getting the child to have sex with him would be referred to as "seduction". The New York Post obviously thinks that a sexual assault committed by an attractive blonde woman in her 20s upon a very young boy is cute.


An estimated 7% of women and 6% of men in a current or previous spousal relationship encountered spousal violence during the five years up to and including 2004

"""***note*** The following occurred during the highest mother sole custody rate in history. The effect of sole custody did not influence the rate. You can draw the conclusion sole custody has no effect therefore of no value in preventing violence by either partner. vox"""


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